Helping you recover from PTSD
By framing your thoughts, the Rewind Technique can help to detach you from the emotional grip of the trauma. Hypnotherapy is a safe and guided approach, we would encourage people to explore this potential path to personal healing.
Explaining the Rewind Technique
• Imagine a 'fast-forward' button on your trauma: Instead of reliving the scary details, the Rewind Technique uses visualization to detach you from the emotional intensity.
• Safe space and movie screen: In your mind's eye, you'll create a calming safe space. Within that space, imagine a screen where you'll view a movie of the traumatic event.
• Rewind and disengage: The therapist guides you to rewind the movie quickly, distancing yourself from the emotions as you see it happen faster and faster.
• Reduced emotional response: By repeatedly rewinding the memory in a safe, detached way, the intensity of the emotions attached to the memory can decrease.
Benefits and Encouragement:
• Faster relief: Unlike traditional talk therapy, the Rewind Technique can sometimes achieve results in fewer sessions.
• Less reliving of the trauma: You don't have to go into graphic details about the event, which can be retraumatizing.
• Regain control: The Rewind Technique empowers you to take control of the memory and its hold on you.

Consider Hypnotherapy
• A guided experience: A qualified hypnotherapist can guide you comfortably through the visualization and Rewind Technique.
• Unlock your inner strength: Hypnotherapy can help you access your own inner resources for healing.
• Take charge of your well-being: Investing in hypnotherapy sessions can be an investment in your mental and emotional well-being.
Remember: The Rewind Technique is a powerful tool, but it's important to work with a qualified hypnotherapist trained in its use.
Further Action:
• We offer a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and if this approach is a good fit for you.
To book a consultation please visit our contact page.